
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Did COGA's Tisha Schuller Lie to the Public about Shutting in all Oil and Gas Wells in the Flood Plain?

You be the judge. Tisha stated numerous times that all oil and gas wells were shut in (closed from producing) in September, yet in October, as indicated below, wells are still being shut in according to Noble Energy. It appears that this was a lie and or, there is a large vacancy in communication with operators and COGA. According to Noble Energy, the industry is still looking for oil and gas wells that were impacted by the flood and turning them off (shutting them in) as they find them.

Todd Hartman of the COGCC said it best: 'We simply could not get to all of the affected oil and gas wellpads because they were under water.' This is precisely how the state and industry has failed. Oil & gas wells should not be placed in areas where you cannot get to them to prevent adverse impacts.  YOU HAVE FAILED COGA AND COGCC!

We cannot trust COGA as official COGCC data proves that they are not doing what they say.

Click to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. You are beating a DEAD HORSE, partner. How could "Tish" possibly know what individual operators were doing to protect life & property? She speaks for a trade group. So last year during Super Storm Sandy if the US Gasoline Retailers Association said all filling stations were taking proactive measures and a hand full were not does that make that entire industry group liars too? This is WEAK. Every one of those companies in the flood zone are LIABLE for their operations & how they conducted themselves during this emergency. There is NOTHING in anyone's playbook for a 500 year flood. TRUTH is, it appears the oil & gas industry, overall, did a pretty good job. That's why the released volumes were so low (in relative terms) and why the CO Dept. of Health DID NOT detect any measureable concentrations of hydrocarbons in any of their analytical sampling in the aftermath. I suppose the Health Dept. are LIARS too, right? All part of the "Big Oil conspiracy, I suppose. See, when someone gives you FACTS that don't support your agenda, you refuse to look at them. Two words for you: RAW SEWAGE. THAT was the biggest problem in this historic event. You claim to be the scientist, so why is that NOT being discussed with the vigilance being applied to oil & gas? I am not saying my industry should be above scrutiny. I am just saying let's apply the rules to ALL the players so everyone benefits from a cleaner, safer environment...
